题目一:Introducing the Queensland University of Technology
地点:百家乐规则详解 副203
题目二:Making Sense of Sequences: Bioinformatics Research at QUT
地点:百家乐规则详解 副203
James M. Hogan博士个人简介
James M. Hogan博士现为昆士兰科技大学副教授,研究兴趣包括人工智能、生物信息学、感知科学、机器学习、自然语言处理、人工神经网络、软件工程和软件国际化等多个领域。主要研究将机器学习的方法应用于生物信息学,特别是对细菌监管图案的推断。其研究大多基于支持向量机方法进行,并使用新颖核函数。出版学术专著2部,在重要学术期刊和会议发表论文100余篇,获得多个澳大利亚国家奖项。James M. Hogan博士现主持昆士兰科技大学与微软的合作项目(经费逾150万澳元),研究将导航和可视大数据集应用于生物信息领域,主要针对生物信息学和计算生物学开展研究,并致力于可视化序列及其关系、模式预测等方面的研究。此外还包括数据的国际化和本地化。鉴于数据大规模和需求的不断变动所带来的挑战,其研究项目中还使用了本地化云服务,混搭模式本地化和重用技术等。
Talk 1:
Introducing the Queensland University of Technology
James M. Hogan, PhD
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, QUT
The Queensland University of Technology, QUT, situated in Brisbane, is one of Australia’s leading universities with a long established focus on industrially relevant research and courses across engineering, information technology, health, science, law, business and the creative industries. In this talk I will provide a short introduction to QUT, our city and its environment, and discuss our programmes in Science, IT and Engineering.
Talk 2:
Making Sense of Sequences: Bioinformatics Research at QUT
James M. Hogan, PhD,
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, QUT
The rise of Next Generation Sequencing approaches has led to an explosion in genomics data, and a need for new methods for pattern discovery and sequence comparison, parallel computation of discovery operations, and visualisations tailored to a range of specific problems. In this talk I will describe some of the work of my group in this area: using kmer based representations for pattern discovery and sequence comparison; visualisation of sequences and regulatory networks at scale using TRNDiff and BLASTExplorer, and the use of Hadoop map reduce for promoter prediction.
About the speaker:
James M. Hogan is Associate Professor of Computer Science and Director, International and Engagement for the School of EECS at Queensland University of Technology. His principal research interests lie in pattern discovery and visualisation for bioinformatics data sets, with a particular focus on bacterial genomics, transcriptional regulation and alignment free comparison. He has published 2 books and more than 70 refereed journal and conference papers, and received over $1.5M in research funding, with a lengthy track record of industrial collaboration and support. He has received both University and national awards as an outstanding teacher of programming and software engineering, and he has provided industrial training in Agile Software Engineering methods to a wide range of government and commercial clients.
整理日期:2013-10-25 16:33:05 访问次数:1018