线下会议交流地点:百家乐规则详解 401会议室
1.胡少军副院长介绍百家乐规则详解 科研团队,宁纪锋教授和胡少军副教授介绍相关研究工作;
2.闵育娜教授介绍动科百家乐规则 及其团队在家禽养殖方面的工作;
3.Tomas Norton助理教授介绍比利时鲁汶大学及其在智慧畜牧方面的工作;
4.百家乐规则详解 与比利时鲁汶大学在博士生联合培养和国际合作研究等方面研讨。
鲁汶大学(缩写KU Leuven)是比利时最高学府,也是欧洲最负盛名的研究型综合大学之一,是欧洲研究型大学联盟、科英布拉集团、Europaeum、欧洲大学协会等高校联盟成员。鲁汶大学在诸多领域处于世界领先水平,在2021软科世界一流学科排名中,社科领域位列32名,医学38名,经济学27名,工商管理40名,统计学37名,计算机工程26名,电气工程43名等。
Tomas Norton助理教授简介:
Tomas Norton is currently a nominated tenure track assistant professor in Precision Livestock Farming (PLF). He is based in the Division of Animal and Human and Health Engineering (group of M3-BIORES) at the KU Leuven. He holds a PhD in Biosystems Engineering from University College Dublin (Ireland). His current research focus is centered on PLF technology including modelling and control of animal bio-responses. He is PI and co-PI on collaborative National and International projects funded by the Belgium government, EU and USA. He is coordinator of courses on Measuring, Modelling and Managing Bio-responses and Sustainable PLF, and Animal Production Engineering at the KU Leuven. Since 2018 he is Chair of CIGR Section II, the chair of the Technical Board and member of the Executive Board.