姓 名:晁晓菲
职 称:副教授
办公室:百家乐规则详解 119
电 话:029-87092417
基本信息 晁晓菲,女,汉族,陕西临潼人,1981年5月生于陕西临潼,2004年6月获得西北农林科技大学计算机科学与技术工学学士学位,2009年7月获得荷兰莱顿大学计算机科学理学硕士学位。2015年9月至今在西北农林科技大学农业电气化与自动化专业博士在读。 研究方向 研究方向为图像分析、基因数据的压缩算法 开设课程 《程序设计基础(C)》、《大学计算机基础》、《数据结构(双语)》、《Java语言程序设计》 、《VB程序设计基础》
学术成果 发表教改论文4篇,其中核心期刊1篇;发表科研论文7篇,其中EI收录1篇,核心期刊1篇。
在读学生 无 毕业学生 无 -
Name:Xiaofei Chao
Professional Title:Lecturer
Office:Room119,Biulding of College of Information Engineering
Tel:+86 29 87092417
Email:+86 137 724 966 33
Personal Information Xiaofei Chao was burn in Lintong County,Shaanxi province in May. 1981. She is now a lecturer in College of Information Engineering in University of A&F University in P.R.China. Research Directions Her research interest is in image analysis and genome compression algorithms. Curriculum She got her Bachelor's degree in computer science and technology in University of A&F University in P.R.China.She got her Master's degree in computer science in University of Leiden in Academic Achievement She published 4 papers of teaching research, one of them is published on journals which has the honor of the core journals.She published 7 research papers, one of them was indexed by EI, and one of them is published in one of the core journals. Current Undergraduate None Graduated Student None