姓 名:任国霞
职 称:副教授
办公室:百家乐规则详解 111室
电 话:029-87092352
基本信息 任国霞,女,1968年7月出生,汉族,中共党员 研究方向 计算机应用 开设课程 (1)大学计算机基础 (2) 程序设计基础(C)(3) 编译原理 (4)农业信息分析与处理 (5)农业信息管理与应用 学术成果 近三年主持和参与科研项目:
(5) 樱桃病害智能诊断模型与系统,软件著作权,2015年1月
在读学生 在职硕士生2人 毕业学生 全日制专硕3人,在职攻读学位5人,近三年指导本科毕业生21人 -
Name:Guoxia Ren
Professional Title:Associate professor
Office:111 room,College of Information Engineer
Email:[email protected]
Personal Information Guoxia Ren, female, born in July 1968, Han nationality, member of Chinese Communist Party Research Directions Computer application Curriculum (1) university computer basis (2) programming foundation (C); (3) compiling principle (4) agricultural information analysis and processing; (5) agricultural information management and Application Academic Achievement For nearly three years, presided over and participated in scientific research projects:
(1)Shaanxi provincial public security and judicial identification center DNA room data analysis management platform, horizontal project, January 2016 -2017 December, moderator
(2)The role of Vc-Jak2-Stat2 signaling pathway in the apparent reprogramming of somatic cell nuclear transfer, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-2019 , participants
(3)"Love bath" APP mobile software to guide students in innovation and entrepreneurship training projects, special award, April 2015, outstanding instructors
Scientific research achievements in recent three years:
(1)Software for the prediction of effector proteins in the bacterial secretion system, software copyright, December 2016
(2)Gene expression profiling data clustering analysis system, software copyright, August 2015
(3)Named entity recognition software, software copyright, 2015, you June
(4)B2C online shopping and intelligent recommender systems, software copyright, June 2015
(5)Intelligent diagnostic model and system for cherry diseases, software copyright, January 2015
(6)Community mining in complex networks based on particle swarm optimization, correspondent authors, computer engineering, March 2015, Vol. third, forty-first
(7)Based on J2EE "business web design and production" excellent course website design and implementation, communication author,value engineering, February 2016 thirty-fifth volume total 410thCurrent Undergraduate There are 2 Postgraduates Graduated Student 3 full-time Master, 5 people studying degree Master, nearly three years to guide 21 graduates