姓 名:高小转
职 称:副教授
办公室:百家乐规则详解 楼308办公室
基本信息 高小转,博士,副教授,,硕士研究生导师。2021年赴苏黎世联邦理工百家乐规则 (QS世界排名第6)公派联合培养,2022 年6月毕业于电子科技大学计算机科学与技术专业,获工学博士学位。2022年荣获四川省优秀毕业生。2022年6月入职百家乐规则详解-庄家与闲家玩法介绍 ,副教授。
主要从事信息融合、不确定信息建模处理,智能决策系统等领域的研究工作,研究成果以第一作者和通讯作者身份在IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Intelligent Systems等刊物上发表论文10余篇。多篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。参与一项国家自然科学基金面上项目。担任International Journal of Intelligent Systems, ISA Transactions等多个SCI期刊的审稿人。
研究方向及招生信息 信息融合;智能决策推理;人工智能;目标识别与风险评估;
开设课程 《流式计算》,《领域大数据前沿应用》 学术成果 发表的SCI论文
[1] Gao Xiaozhuan, Pan Lipeng, Pelusi Danilo, Deng Yong*. Fuzzy Markov Decision-Making Model for Interference Effects. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2022.3184784. (中科院1区TOP)
[2] Gao Xiaozhuan, Pan Lipeng, Deng Yong*. Cross entropy of mass function and its application in similarity measure. Applied Intelligence, 2022, 52(8): 8337-8350. (中科院2区)
[3] Gao Xiaozhuan, Pan Lipeng, Deng Yong*. A generalized divergence of information volume and its applications. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2022, 108: 104584. (中科院2区TOP)
[4] Gao Xiaozhuan, Deng Yong*. Generating method of Pythagorean fuzzy sets from the negation of probability. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2021, 105: 104403. (中科院2区TOP)
[5] Gao Xiaozhuan, Pan Lipeng, Deng Yong*. Quantum Pythagorean Fuzzy Evidence Theory: A Negation of Quantum Mass Function View. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2021, 30(5): 1313-1327. (中科院1区TOP)
[6] Pan Lipeng, Gao Xiaozhuan, Deng Yong*, Cheong Kang Hao*. Constrained Pythagorean Fuzzy Sets and Its Similarity Measure. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2021, 30(4): 1102-1113. (中科院1区TOP)
[7] Gao Xiaozhuan, Deng Yong*. Quantum model of mass function. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2020, 35(2): 267-282. (中科院1区)
[8] Gao Xiaozhuan, Deng Yong*. The pseudo-pascal triangle of maximum deng entropy. 2020, 15(1): 1006.
[9] Gao Xiaozhuan, Liu Fan, Pan Lipeng, Deng Yong*, Tsai, Sang-Bing. Uncertainty measure based on Tsallis entropy in evidence theory. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2019, 34(11): 3105-3120. (中科院2区)
[10] Gao Xiaozhuan, Deng Yong*. The generalization negation of probability distribution and its application in target recognition based on sensor fusion. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2019, 15(5): 1550147719849381.
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